Mills’ proposal to cut paid family leave benefits could make it unusable for low-wage workers


Proponents of the bill say Mills’ plan would make the program potentially unusable for many low-income workers who wouldn’t be able to make ends meet with such a small portion of their normal wages.

“I’m confident it would disadvantage low-wage workers,” said James Myall, a policy analyst with the Maine Center for Economic Policy.

As Beacon previously reported, LD 1964 — sponsored by Assistant Senate Majority Leader Mattie Daughtry (D-Cumberland) and Assistant House Majority Leader Kristen Cloutier (D-Lewiston) and co-sponsored by 100 other lawmakers — was unveiled last week at a public hearing where child advocates, parents’ groups, labor organizations and other Mainers across the state argued that it is long past time for such a program, which exists in around a dozen other states and most industrialized countries around the world.

Click here to read the full story, first published June 1, 2023 in Beacon.