The American Clean Energy and Security Act and The Estate Tax: Both Good for Maine

MECEP Issue Briefs address two upcoming federal debates
Augusta – With all the attention on national health care reform, we must not forget that Congress is deliberating a number of other important issues that affect Maine; the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) and the future of the Estate Tax.  The Maine Center for Economic Policy analyzes the status and impact of these important bills in our in-depth Choices issue briefs.

MECEP federal policy analyst Nicole Witherbee, Ph.D. explores the impact repealing the estate tax would have on our already burgeoning federal deficit and the myths surrounding who actually pays this tax in Weakening the Estate Tax: Putting our Future Prosperity at Risk.

According to Witherbee, “Further weakening of the estate tax would mean an additional loss of revenue, even as Congress is desperately seeking ways to bring our federal budget back into balance, pay for health care reform, and keep our nation safe. We should be investing in ways that bring prosperity back to our whole nation not just to the handful of people who are faring better than everyone else.”

Lisa Pohlmann, Deputy Director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine and Nicole Witherbee explore the recent climate change (cap and trade)  legislation that has passed the House of Representatives and is currently awaiting a Senate version. A Clean Energy and Jobs Plan for Maine’s Future presents a win-win scenario for Maine’s economy and environment. 

The Maine Center for Economic Policy regularly examines,  monitors and weighs in on federal legislation because almost 38 percent of our State’s spending comes from the federal government.  “Maine cannot afford to take its eye off of the ball,” states Witherbee.  “What happens in Congress will impact us greatly and there are no other issues more salient to Mainers than tax policy, healthcare, and energy.”